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WWMS Counseling Office Staff for 2024-2025

Welcome to the online home for the WWMS Counseling Office!

Pictured Above (L to R): 
Counseling Secretary Ms. Julie Rodriguez
School Counselor Ms. Heather Rampey, last names Gr-O
School Counselor Ms. Jessica Cantrell, last names A-Go
School Counselor Ms. Natalie Fagerlund, last names P-Z

New for 24-25:  Counselors are now assigned by student last name rather than grade level.
We are excited about this transition as it allows a counselor to work with the same group of students and their families for their entire middle school career, meaning that students and families don't have to explain unique situations or needs with each new school year, and counselors are more readily equipped to anticipate student needs from year to year.  It also allows counselors to approach delivering our program of services as a team.  We understand that this will be a transition for many, including our school faculty and staff, but we strongly believe that getting to work with the same students through middle school allows us to better help all students experience success at WWMS and beyond.

See below for counselor assignments by students' first letter of their last name:
A-Go:  Jessica Cantrell
Gr-O:  Heather Rampey
P-Z:  Natalie Fagerlund
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we go through this transition!